first starting out, your colony has no land, no resources, no gold, and only
1 settler! Your first objective should be to attract settlers to join
your colony. Here are several approaches:
Take a loan from the bank and then go to the fort in town and pay colonists
to join you. Take your large expedition of settlers and go out and
invade some land. Try to take land that produces food and water for
your colony first (such as an apple tree or river).
Take a loan from the bank and then go out and buy some land. Only
certain parcels are for sale so take your time to explore as you are looking
for the right parcels to buy. The first parcels you buy should be ones
that produce food or water (such as some apple trees or rivers).
3) Go
to a Saloon and buy lots of drinks. Don't be shy about buying
drinks...this is the wild west! In addition, you will likely meet
colonists that will want to join you as well as pick up valuable tips from
the local patrons (write them down!). A few of the things you may
discover are:
to find land that produces valuable resources
-Where to find groups of colonists to join your colony
-Insider tips on making money at the stock market in town
-Hundreds of other valuable game tips
Important: If a
tip refers to a parcel number, it refers to land in the same territory
as the Saloon (such as Northern Terrace or First Plains). If you
want tips on other territories, you need to find a Saloon in that territory!
Look for other players to form alliances with you. They may help you
get started and protect you from outlaws while you are building your colony.
1) Attract settlers to join
your colony
2) Choose a location to start
building your colony
3) Capture some land that
produces food, water and furs. The food and water are needed by your
settlers and the furs you can sell for gold.
 4) Build a Fort at the
center of your new colony. A fort requires 125 lumber and 500 gold to
build. You also must own a minimum amount of land near the fort
location. You can obtain lumber by capturing land with trees and make
money by selling furs. You will also need to build a lumber depot to
increase your lumber storage capacity from 25 to 125.
Until your colony
has acquired 50 parcels of land, it is given a special "Beginner" status
that prevents other colonies from attacking you and provides other benefits
and protections. You will be notified when you are no longer
considered a Beginner. A colony does not regain Beginner status if
they later drop below 50 parcels again except if ALL land is lost. If
other colonies click on any expedition or parcel owned by a Beginner, they
will see the words "Beginner" at the top of the window that pops up.
If a Beginner attacks another colony for any reason, they immediately lose
Beginner status.