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Land Grab TM
Copyright 2001-2003 By 7th Peak L.L.C.
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Land Grab TM

Resources, Depots, Growth Rate & Production

There are currently 9 Resources that can be found in the world.  All resources are found on certain types of land and are automatically received and collected simply by owning the land that produces those resources.  Here are the 9 resources and where to find them:

Food Various fruit trees, shrubs with berries, both fresh water and salt water, rivers Required to feed all settlers in your colony
Water Fresh water lakes, rivers (not oceans or salt water lakes) Required for all settlers in your colony to prevent thirst
Furs Open grassland or snow regions, dead trees or logs, shrubs, scrub brush Used for trading.  Can be sold in towns to generate an income for your colony.
Lumber Trees Needed to build most types of structures such as fences or buildings.
Stone Mountains, Rocks Used to build stone walls and for certain other structures.
Iron Desert or dirt areas, mountains Used to build steel walls and certain other structures.
Medicine Rare varieties of flowers and cactus Used to heal settlers in your colony from various afflictions and epidemics.
Gunpowder Mountains Used to make land/sea mines.
Gold Gold mines can be discovered in the Mountains Gold is used as a currency in the game.

You can tell whether a parcel of land you own produces a resource by simply looking at the parcel.  A tiny color-coded triangle with a number in it will appear on the parcel.  The color indicates which resource is produced and the number indicates how much of the resource is produced.  For example, indicates 1 water is produced.  If you do not see the symbol, the land does not produce any resources.  The colors match the color of your resource list that is displayed on the left side of the screen as well as the color of depots that are built to hold a particular type of resource.  You can also right click on any parcel of land you own and it will tell you what is produced (if anything).  A summary of all your resource production of all land you own can be displayed by clicking the PRODUCTION button:

NOTE: Do not confuse Growth indicators with Resource Indicators.  A Growth indicator can also appear on a parcel but has a circle symbol rather than a triangle and always uses the same color. 

Initially, a colony can hold 25 of each resource but a colony can build a depot for any type of resource to expand their storage capacity.  Each depot adds 100 storage capacity and an unlimited number of depots can be built.  If you click the RESOURCES button on the side of the game window, your current inventory of resources is shown as well as your storage capacity.  For example:
Water  52/125
indicates you currently have 52 water and can store up to 125 max.

Although Growth Indicators are not related to a particular resource, they are similar and are used to indicate the growth of settlers in your colony.  Some parcels will attract settlers to join your colony and others won't.  If a parcel attracts settlers, you will see a growth indicator symbol on the parcel such as which indicates it attracts 1 settler on a regular basis.  The overall growth rate of your colony can be seen by clicking on the PRODUCTION button .  Some parcels you own can even deter settlers from joining your colony!  Those have a similar growth indicator shown on the parcel but the number is red to indicate negative growth.  You can also right click on a parcel and a phrase will indicate if the parcel is contributing to positive or negative growth of your colony:

A Thriving Community +2 or Higher Growth
A Growing Community +1 Growth
A Stable Community No Growth
A Declining Community -1 Growth
A Struggling Community -2 or Lower Growth

Your total growth rate in your colony determines the number of new colonists that will want to join your colony.  Initially, the growth rate is exactly the number of new colonists that wish to join.  As your growth rate gets larger, it takes more points of growth to attract each additional settler as shown in the chart below:

GROWTH RATE # of Settlers That
Wish to Join
0-10 100% of Growth Rate
11-50 1/2 of Growth Rate
51-100 1/3 of Growth Rate
101-200 1/5 of Growth Rate
201+ 1/9 of Growth Rate

There is also a maximum number of new colonists that are willing to join your colony at any one time which is the lesser of:

1) The number of Forts you own times 30 settlers
2) 70% of your growth rate

However, the maximum is never less than 30 settlers.

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