region of the world where you plan to capture land and expand your colony is
called an OUTPOST. As you build each of your outposts, here are some
things to keep in mind:
Initially, don't try to build too big of an outpost. It is better to
have several outposts in different parts of the world than one huge one.
This makes each one easier to defend and also prevents a single coordinated
invasion from wiping out your entire colony.
2) A fort is the
centerpiece of any outpost. It should be one of the first things you
build in any new area you plan to expand into. It takes time for a new
fort to attract settlers, but once it does, it will fuel the growth of your
entire outpost.
3) Always build
a fence or wall around the entire outpost to keep trespassers out, but be
sure to have gates at several key access points to let yourself in and out.
Build your perimeter fence or wall before adding lots of valuable

4) Allow enough open space in the outpost to build farms and wells that can
provide adequte food and water for the many settlers that will inhabit and
defend your outpost.
5) In your outpost,
determine the most likely places that intruders could approach from and
build a watch tower at each strategic location. Set the range of each
watch tower to the proper distance to give you as much warning of intruders
as possible, but to avoid detecting friendly neighbors and traffic on nearby
6) Never build valuable
structures or capture large amounts of land without properly
reinforcing them. If your parcels have no settlers on them, an enemy
can come in and quickly capture your entire outpost without a fight. |