Initially, a new
colony may only have 1 expedition and 1 ship. As the colony acquires
land, they are allowed additional expeditions and ships as shown in the
chart below:
Parcels Owned |
Maximum # of
Supported |
50 |
1 |
51-125 |
2 |
126-250 |
3 |
251-400 |
4 |
401-600 |
5 |
601-800 |
6 |
801-1000 |
7 |
1001-1500 |
8 |
1501 or
Higher |
9 |
To successfully run a large
colony, it is important to become proficient at controlling multiple
expeditions (or ships). Most prosperous colonies will have more than
one outpost in different locations in the world. This prevents the
colony from being wiped out by a single large attack since the enemies
usually can't find your other outposts. It also helps the colony
acquire different types of resources and makes the colony easier to defend.
switch between controlling one expedition/ship and another, you can
DOUBLE-CLICK on the new expedition/ship you want to control if it is visible
on your screen. If it is not visible, you must use the SELECT
EXPEDITION or SELECT SHIP buttons to choose which one to control.
If you have more than one
expedition or ship, it makes it easier to keep track of them if you RENAME
them to something that makes sense for you. To do this, simply right
click on your expedition/ship and then click the VIEW button underneath the
expedition/ship you want to rename. Then click the RENAME button and
enter the new name to use for it. The new names of your
expeditions/ships will show up the next time you click on the SELECT
EXPEDITION or SELECT SHIP buttons. If you do not rename your
expeditions/ships, the Territory Name and Parcel Number of their current
location will be displayed instead.
If you plan to invade another
colony, a good strategy is putting as many settlers as possible into
multiple expeditions and moving all your expeditions to the edge of where
you want to invade before actually starting the invasion. Then you can
quickly switch between each of them and use all of them to invade
simultaneously. You may want to have all of them invade the same
location, or instead, you could attack more than one of your enemies'
outposts in different locations at the same time. In either case, you
are more likely to surprise your enemy and overwhelm them by using multiple
expeditions and/or ships.
While your invasion
is going on, don't stand around waiting for the battle to end before going
on to control another expedition. Instead, launch your 1st attack and
immediately click over to control another expedition or even go back to your
fort to form a new expedition so you can bring in reinforcements. Even
as you are bringing in the reinforcements, you can monitor the battle by
watching the battle progress area on the left side of your screen:

You can switch between which battle you are monitoring by right clicking on
the expedition, ship or parcel you want to monitor, then click the VIEW
button under the expedition/ship to monitor, then click MONITOR BATTLE.
This feature only works if they are currently engaged in a battle.
A proficient player will be able
to use a couple expeditions to defend his base while simultaneously
launching an attack against his opponent by land and sea using multiple
expeditions and ships. Meanwhile, he or she may have other expeditions
running around one or more towns selling furs, trading stocks, and
conducting business, while yet another expedition may be scouting out or
building a new outpost.
all of this action is going on, the colony may click regularly on their
SELECT TOWER button to respond to intrusions detected by their Watch Towers
and RESET the watch towers as needed. They may also click regularly on
their BATTLE ALERT button to respond to counter-attacks or invasions of
their lands by the enemy.
A "Wagon Train" (or "Ship Train") is simply multiple expeditions (or ships)
that you connect together so they can be moved simultaneously. To
connect one expedition (or ship) to another, simply right-click on an
expedition/ship that is next to the one you are moving and choose CONNECT
WAGONS or FOLLOW SHIP. Both expeditions/ships will then move together
in single file. You can connect an unlimited number of
expeditions/ships together and even connect together with your allies
expeditions/ships. You may not connect to expeditions/ships that are
owned by someone other than yourself or an ally. To break a wagon
train and discontinue having them follow each other, click on ANY
expedition/ship in the chain and choose BREAK WAGON TRAIN or STOP FOLLOWING.
To separate a portion of the chain, simply choose any expedition/ship in the
chain and use the mouse to start moving. The chain will be broken at
that point and only the expeditions/ships behind the new leader will
continue to follow.