Select Expedition:
This button selects which of your expeditions you wish
to control. Initially, your colony can only support 1 expedition, but
as you acquire land, you are allowed additional expeditions. |
Select Tower:
This button selects which of your towers you wish to
control. Watch towers help you defend your colony by warning you of
intruders. When you hear the warning, click button to take you to the
location. |
This button brings you to the location of a fort you
own. Forts are the primary place to find settlers to join your colony.
Initially, visit a fort in town, but someday consider building your own. |
Battle Alert:
If your lands are being invaded or one of your
expeditions is under attack, you will hear a warning and this button will
light up. Click on it to bring you to the location of the intruders so you
can handle the situation. |
Greeting Alert:
Other players can walk up to your land or expeditions,
right click and choose 'Greet'. You will hear 'Howdy Partner!' and this
button lights up. Click the button to go directly to the person so you
can chat with them. |
Telegram Alert:
If you receive a telegram, you will be notified and
this button will light up. Click on the button and the telegram will be
transmitted to you. Be ready to read the message since it is only
displayed for 10 seconds. |
Select Ship:
This button lets you select one of your ships to
control. Ships can be built while standing on a dock. Ships can travel
across lakes and oceans, discover remote island or new continents. Watch out
for pirates! |
Return To Previous Location:
After you respond to a greeting, a battle alert, or
any time you switch locations, you can use this button to quickly return to
your original location. |
Allies and Enemies:
You may declare war or offer an alliance with other
players. Click this button to accept/reject offers. Allied land and
expeditions will highlight green while enemies highlight red. Enemies can
attack you even in town. |
This button displays all resources you currently have
and your storage capacity for that resource. For example, 'Food 14/25'
indicates you have 14 food and can store up to 25. Build depots to increase
storage. |
This button will display the resources produced by all
land you own. You receive the production shown at regular intervals
and will hear a unique sound each time you collect the production from your
land. |
This button will show important statistics on your
colony such as the number of parcels you own, how many expeditions your
colony can support, and your rank compared to all other colonies in the
world. |
Zoom Out:
Click this button one or more times to zoom out and
see a much larger view of the world where you are standing. If you have not
explored an area yet, it will show as grey on the map. |
Zoom In:
Click this button one or more times to zoom in and see
a more detailed view of the area you are in. |
Game Settings:
This button allows you to change various game
settings, such as the font to use, duration of chat messages, and whether to
highlight parcels owned by yourself or others. |
Click this button for a quick review of all mouse and
keyboard commands. You can also run the tutorial again or visit the
web site for more game information and strategy tips. |
Log Out:
This button will log you out of the game. Normally,
your colony is safe from attack while you are logged out. But if you logout
during a battle, your opponent is allowed to continue attacking you for
several minutes. |